Report from NORDIC investigators network for PEDiatric MEDicines

NTA’s NordicPedMed project aimed to set up a Nordic network of investigators, centres and the national networks with recognized expertise in performing clinical studies on children. Their first report is now available.

NordicPedMed wants to foster high quality, ethical research on the safety and efficacy of medicines for use in children, and enable collaboration between networks and stakeholders. The core function is based on study coordination avoiding unnecessary trials in children, and building a scientific and administrative competence at a Nordic level to help recruitment of patients for clinical trials. Most importantly, NordicPedMed wants to benefit sick children in Nordic countries by offering opportunities for early access to new promising medicines in a safe and controlled way in clinical trials. This report is the first planned project deliverable.

The Nordic Trial Alliance WP 9 on Nordic investigators network for Pediatric Medicines

NTA-Nordic investigators network for Pediatric Medicines


FINPEDMED (Clinical Research Institute Helsinki University Central Hospital Ltd), Contact person: Pirkko Lepola Executive Secretary, Finnish Investigators Network for Pediatric Medicines – FINPEDMED, Clinical Research Institute Helsinki University Central Hospital Ltd. c/o University of Tampere,School of Medicine, Tampere Center for Child Health Research Biokatu 10, FM 3, 3rd floor FIN-33014 University of Tampere, Finland

Kalle Hoppu, MD PhD Chair of the FINPEDMED Steering Committee Director Poison Information Centre, Helsinki University Central Hospital P.O. Box 790 (Tukholmankatu 17) 00029 HUS Helsinki, Finland


NorPedMed (Medicines for Children Network, Norway and Haukeland University Hospital, Helse Bergen) Thomas Halvorsen Director of the NorPedMed Professor, University of Bergen – pediatrics Pediatric Department, Haukeland University Hospital N-5021 Bergen, Norway

Margrete Einen, MScPharm Executive Secretary of NorPedMed and hospital pharmacist Haukeland University Hospital, Helse Bergen, Pediatric Department N-5021 Bergen, Norway


Anders Rane, MD PhD Senior Professor Karolinska Institutet Past Chair Div of Clinical Pharmacology Karolinska University Hospital SE-14186 Stockholm, Sweden

Jenny Kindblom, MD PhD, As.Prof. Dept of clinical pharmacology Sahlgrenska University Hospital Gothenburg Sweden


Helle Holst, MD, PhD, Assoc Prof Department of Clinical Pharmacology Bispebjerg Hospital Byg.51,1 2400 Copenhagen Denmark

Mia Bjerager, MD Overlæge Børneafdelingen Hillerød Hospital Nordsjællands Hospital 3400 Hillerød, Denmark Formand, Dansk Pædiatrisk Selskab


Ásgeir Haraldsson, Professor of Paediatrics University of Iceland Chief and Faculty Chairman, Children’s Hospital Iceland Landspitali – University Hospital 101 Reykjavík Reykjavik, Iceland